Ed - a man of relationships

2010 September 09

Created by Philip Moran 13 years ago
I met Ed through Pilla who was on a German learning course with me in Vienna. There are some people who have the capacity to connect with anyone - Ed was one of those people. He was an interesting person with many thoughts, opinions and wisdom about politics, science, religion. It was always fascinating to chat to him. But he was always interested in what other people had to say, and that is why it was always a pleasure to spend time with him. Ed and Pilla visited me in Vienna in September 2010. We had a great time, and I showed how little I knew about wine by order Pinot Noir to go with the fish thinking Pinot Noir was a white wine (I should have tried harder in French). We just laughed at my mistake and it didn't matter because there was never any pretence with Ed or Pilla. I've only met Ed a couple of times really, but I feel like I've known him a lot longer. I'll miss him.